
 What have I been up to the last few months then? Art wise, nothing much. No animation projects going on. A design few commissions here and there. Criw Celf is dead (at least in Merthyr Tydfil). Mostly I've been using my time to read and to try and get better at photography (example above). I've been using the same DSLR for 10 years now, and it's only this year I've made a serious effort to try and learn how to better use Lightroom for editing and post processing. In fact I've made a whole blog just to post photos and nothing else, as well as my Instagram photography account which has been hanging around for years now.

Recently I was at my Dad's and he made me watch the bits of Roadhouse that had Conor McGregor in. Afterwards, I did a quick doodle form memory, which you can see above. I enjoyed that, but honestly I haven't drawn anything since.
